Kuchera is a Town and a municipality in Mundwa tahsil in Nagaur district of Rajasthan. It is situated at a distance of 38 km from Nagaur city in south on Nagaur-Merta road. Pincode: 341024. The Kuldevi Susmad Mata of Kabra people is in this village, of which annual fair is organized on Karant Balaji & Bheru ji every year. There is an annual Puja with a huge get together at the premises and there is a sort of mela during Navratari before Diwali.
The Mirdha family of Jodhpur managed the postal system in Marwar, known as Mirdha Dak. The Quaysides (couriers) working under the Mirdhas covered normally 15-20 miles a day but when there was urgency they could 50 to 70 miles a day. Impressed by this feat, Maharaja Bakht Singh gave the Mirdhas the privilege of riding horses (the title of Godha-Quasid), something that was exclusive to the higher classes in those days. On conquering Ahmedabad Maharaja Abhey Singh awarded a village known as Kuchera to the Mirdha family. When Maharaja Bhakt Singh, 1751 A.D., came to power he gave Mangal Ram Mirdha, the then Chief Postal Administrator, the village Silas. An additional gift was made to the Mirdhas by giving them power to collect land revenue up to Rs.500 annually. Raja Man Singh also awarded the grandfather of Shivji Mirdha the right to collect revenue in the village of Bhakrod, Dhudia at Nagaur.
The Kuchera's rose to prominence following the 1569 Kuchera uprising against Mughal rule, and they ruled various princely states throughout the 18th century. After 1858, under the British Raj, the Kuchera were known for their service in the Indian Army.
In 1931, the date of the last census of the British Raj before the abolition of caste, they were distributed throughout North India, mostly in the Punjab and Rajputana.