Description Date File Type
Office Order regarding Task Force constituted for Circular Economy Regime for various special category wastes 07/03/2025
Office Order regarding regularly check of proper operation of MEE/MVR 07/03/2025
Office Order regarding procedure for treatment and disposal of effluent generated by Health Care Facilities 07/03/2025
Office Order regarding transfer of files (both CETP connected and own ETP) to Head Office 06/03/2025
Office Order regarding firing activities in the brick kilns shall be allowed only for six months as per NGT direction 04/03/2025
Work Order of the Board Officers 25/02/2025
Office Order regarding implement a monitoring mechanism for the 17 category Highly Polluting industries/CETPs/STPs/CBWTDFs/CTDFs/and units having ETP 100 KLD and above 24/02/2025
Office Order regarding Board has issued procedure/protocol for issue and revocation of the closure directions under section 33 (A) 20/02/2025
Office Order regarding revised order of F.1(1)/RPCB/Estt./3420-3430 dated 20.11.2024 for creation of 2 new offices (Jodhpur Urban and Jodhpur Rural). 19/02/2025
Office Order regarding extend the timeline for industries/establishments to apply under “Special Dispensation Scheme” 14/02/2025
Office Order regarding extending timeline for switch over to cleaner fuel by rolling mills to improve air quality of the State 12/02/2025
Office Order regarding submit progress report of paid sampling and carry out NABL accreditation of all Regional Laboratories 11/02/2025
Office Order regarding relieving of Young Interns associated under "Young Intern Programme- 2023" 29/01/2025
Work Order of the Board Officers 29/01/2025
Transfer Order of Smt. Kamini Songara 21/01/2025
Transfer Order dated 21.01.2025 21/01/2025
Transfer Order of GIC and Regional Officer dated 15.01.2025 15/01/2025
Transfer Order of Scientific Officers dated 15.01.2025 15/01/2025
Transfer Order of Technical Officers dated 15.01.2025 15/01/2025