Roles and Responsibilities within Local Government These constitutional objects are: to provide democratic and accountable government for local communities; to ensure the provision of services to communities in a sustainable manner; to promote social and economic development to promote a safe and healthy environment; and to encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations in the matters of local government. The Constitution also assigns developmental duties to municipalities. Section 153 provides that a municipality must: structure and manage its administration and budgeting and planning processes to give priority to the basic needs of the community, and to promote the social and economic development of the community; and participate in national and provincial development programmes.
नगरपालिका नगर का मुख्य उदेदश्य आमजन को रोशनी,सफाई,सडक एवं नाली आदि की व्यवस्था के साथ साथ राज्य सरकार द्वारा संचालित योजनाअें से अवगत कराकर आमजन को पूर्ण लाभ दिलाना है।